“Without the Sacrament of Holy Orders, we would not have the Lord. Who put him there in that tabernacle?
The priest. Who welcomed your soul at the beginning of your life? The priest. Who feeds your soul
and gives it strength for its journey? The priest. Who will prepare it to appear before God,
bathing it one last time in the blood of Jesus Christ? The priest, always the priest.
And if this soul should happen to die, who will raise it up,
who will restore its calm and peace? Again, the priest…
After God, the priest is everything! …
Only in heaven will he fully realize what he is”
St. John Vianney, the Cure d’Ars.
The priest. Who welcomed your soul at the beginning of your life? The priest. Who feeds your soul
and gives it strength for its journey? The priest. Who will prepare it to appear before God,
bathing it one last time in the blood of Jesus Christ? The priest, always the priest.
And if this soul should happen to die, who will raise it up,
who will restore its calm and peace? Again, the priest…
After God, the priest is everything! …
Only in heaven will he fully realize what he is”
St. John Vianney, the Cure d’Ars.
Innumerable Saints said, throughout history, that the priesthood has a vital importance for the salvation of the Christian community. Today we have the misfortune to see how humanity is being demolished quickly, by unimaginable evils in all areas: family, education, morality, science, economics etc. but, unfortunately, modern man is not able to see clearly what is the root cause of what is happening. I am firmly convinced that the origin of all is the lack of true faith. But the Apostle ask: “How then shall they call on him, in whom they have not believed? Or how shall they believe him, of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear, without a preacher? (…) How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, of them that bring glad tidings of good things!” (Rom. 10: 14-15). This is the main explanation for why I want to be a priest, to preach the good news of Christ, the source of true peace.
Three things we see in this teaching of St. Paul. 1) That to have faith is absolutely necessary to have priests who recognize themselves as priests 2) the ministry of the priest is not a mere social work, which superficially improve human life through the relativistic and ecumenical “peace”, as the modernists believe, and liberals, and the “liberation theology”, but he primarily seeks God and seeks to do His will, not only because it is good but because God commanded and His decisions are the trusts of soul Christian and 3) to find true peace (not that of sentimentality) but that only He can give (pacem meam do vobis) is required to act according to the Good News of Christ. It is clear, then, that it is necessary for the Christian to endorse the words of the Roman writer Vegetius saying “Igitur qui desiderat pacem, bellum praeparet” and remember the words of the Holy Father Leo XIII: “The Christian is born to fight.”
While studying at the Seminary of XXXX XXX, I read that the Father Castellani -skilled at wordplay- said: “In South America many years ago, missionaries came from afar to evangelize the Indians (indios) today, missionaries have a more difficult job, evangelize the godless (sindios)”. I have no doubt that if at the time of Father Castellani things were difficult, even more will be in my days, but I have no fear to shed the last drop of my blood to fulfill what His Eminence Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the most heroic Saint of our times, reminded his priests in episcopal ordinations in 1988 (and now seems to have been forgotten by almost all the bishops) “Please, please, continue to keep this treasure which we have given you. Do not abandon the faithful, do not abandon the Church! Continue the Church!”.
God help me and give me the grace to do.
Throughout my life I have beheld the miracles of the Lord. I saw fulfilled what St. Paul said “all things work together for good to those who love God (Rm 8, 28). I understood that love means staying true to his word although we will against the world (as St. Athanasius). So, after many struggles, God placed me in front of a great priest who taught me with patience the doctrine and confirmed the things I have always defended. The Catholic Tradition. This priest was Father Jean-Michel Faure, who was long time head of the Church of Asuncion, Paraguay. After a long process of preparation, he sent me to (blocked by pablo). Obviously I had high hopes of being able to serve missions as a priest, to celebrate Mass, to teach the faithful, in short, to be a priest faithful to God and shepherd of his people. A few days after arriving at the seminar began to notice strange things. I thought mine were illusions. I thought I wanted to see a copy of Father Faure in all others. Anyway, I tried to fit into the cheesy system because he considered was right. No communication with the outside, it was impossible for a long time to understand what was happening. A colleague once told me that it was not advisable to read “Prometheus” for that book is no longer emphasized in class. Another told me about the intransigence of a monk named Thomas Aquinas who was living in Brazil and its unwelcome opinions about a topic that I did not understand. They were also striking the harsh criticism that the Director was of some priests that I did not know. Particularly terrible for me was the greatly attack to the Bishop Williamson and the pitiful form with he was defamed. I remember one of the events that struck me most was that, during a class, the Director in person, explained the historical-critical method that I had attacked for years. Many reviews I endured by resist this and now, in a traditional seminar, found it again. I could not hide my anger and explained why it was not compatible with sound doctrine. Three hours later, I was back to XXXXX with the sentence “for my years of struggle I had become too intransigent”. I was ashamed to come before the Father Faure and tell what happened to the Director. Great was my surprise when Father Faure said: Yes, things are very bad. And he told me everything he knew. He suggested that I should go to the Monastery of the Holy Cross until organize the Resistance led by Fr Pfeiffer. And providence wanted it. In the Monastery had the opportunity to meet great priests, faithful to God and the Doctrine. I met the monk who spoke both all in XXX XXX, Don Thomas Aquinas, who can only be described by one word: holiness. I also met Fr. Pfeiffer, the bastion of tradition, which together with Fr. Hewko, work hard for the salvation of the faith of all times, with trust in the promise of Christ for h
His friends (John 15:15)
In conclusion, this is why I want to exercise the priestly ministry at Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Because the SSPX has been hurt by the sting of modernism and because I have been guided by the example of many holy priests, friends of Christ, who are resisted and are organized to continue the struggle for faith always, to the work that Providence gives us as relief to withstand the attacks of Satan. If accepted, you can be sure they will have a loyal soldier.
His friends (John 15:15)
In conclusion, this is why I want to exercise the priestly ministry at Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Because the SSPX has been hurt by the sting of modernism and because I have been guided by the example of many holy priests, friends of Christ, who are resisted and are organized to continue the struggle for faith always, to the work that Providence gives us as relief to withstand the attacks of Satan. If accepted, you can be sure they will have a loyal soldier.
Prayers are being said for the seminarians as well as the ordained. Your story is much like mine. God is leading the willing. I am old. You must carry on. As I tell the Triune God nightly, we cannot persevere without His Grace and mercy. We need our holy priests. Carry on good knight and trust that Our Lady of Good Success will enfold you protectively in her mantle. Pax et bonum